Validation of instrument for measuring innovation for tourist destinations in Latin America




Innovation, tourism, Information and communication technologies, third sector, Latin America, South America


The purpose of this research was to design an innovation management model for tourist destinations (DT) in Latin America (LA). It was based on a qualitative approach of documentary analysis on innovation management performed in Latin America, the models to innovate in its DT and measurement indicators adjusted to its innovative capabilities. The criteria for the selection of study documents were defined, followed by a review of the literature under the ILR (Integrative Literature Review) method until information saturation was reached. The validation of indicators was carried out according to the judgment of experts (selected through the Delphi method) in two rounds of consultation; With the quantitative assessment, a factor analysis was developed for its ranking. The most relevant results demonstrated that LA maintains a weak position in terms of innovation compared to other developed regions, with broad limitations in its concept and application, mainly oriented towards the adoption, adaptation and assimilation of new technologies, as a result of low levels of investment in R&D. It is concluded that LA requires a regional innovation system (RIS) that allows it to shorten the gap with the most innovative regions on a global scale.


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How to Cite

Vera Vera, J. R., Mendoza Mendoza, B. E., Delgado Mendoza, K. K., & Vera Salazar, P. V. (2024). Validation of instrument for measuring innovation for tourist destinations in Latin America. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–15.