Relationship of feedback on job performance in a construction company




Feedback, work environment, communication, company, labor productivity, employment


The objective is to determine the relationship between feedback and job performance in employees of a construction company. A quantitative, transversal and correlational approach was used. It had a sample of 38 workers, to whom a convenience survey was applied in 2023. 2 variables and 6 dimensions were considered (Feedback [clarity of feedback, frequency of feedback and usefulness of feedback] and Job performance [compliance with objectives, quality of work and team collaboration] in the instrument. The data were processed with SPSS v25. The results reveal that 63.2% of the participants consider that Feedback is experienced at a high level, highlighting the dimension of clarity in the feedback. Similarly, 57.9% indicate that work performance is at an adequate level, highlighting the dimension of team collaboration. It is concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between the variables studied, with a p-value = 0.000. Furthermore, at an inferential level, a moderate and positive correlation was observed between feedback and job performance, since a Rho coefficient = 0.694 was found between both variables.


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How to Cite

Torres Pérez, B. V., & Huamanchumo Venegas, H. I. (2024). Relationship of feedback on job performance in a construction company. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–13.